niedziela, 13 stycznia 2013

Using Garmin Forerunner 410 with Ubuntu 12.10

My wife loves running, so I bought a Garmin Forerunner 410 for her to assist her with the activity and get even more fun from it. As it usually happens no support has been offered from Garmin for Linux - and I, in turn, love Linux. So I googled all the necessary info and here it goes (the instruction is valid for clean install of Ubuntu 12.10 64bit):

1. sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
2. sudo easy_install ez_setup
3. sudo easy_install python-ant-downloader
4. sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/99-garmin.rules
5. edit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-garmin.rules with your favourite editor
6. Add this line to the file:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0fcf", ATTR{idProduct}=="1008", MODE="666"

Remember to finish it with empty line!!!

Next thing was to create file ~/.antd/antd.cfg, since it has not been created automatically. I had to fill it with configuration. I used the following example conf:

My version of this file, without comments and slightly modified is available here. Please change all the x's and y's in the Garmin Connect section with your username and password for the site.

All I had to do next was to insert the USB dongle into a slot and run:
It synchronised with the device, downloaded data and transferred it to (I have entered my wife's credentials in antd.cfg file beforehand).

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